I'm not affiliated with ACER or GAMSAT in any way.
I've sat the GAMSAT several times while doing my first degree, getting a score in the 98-99th percentile on each occasion. I find it interesting and even - when there's not much riding on it - fun. I had a pretty good background from the GAMSAT through doing lots of multiple-choice tests and studying medical science - as well as a bunch of other subjects - at uni.
When I started this blog, I wasn't sure if I wanted to study Medicine, but I've since finished med school and started work as a doctor. It's been a bit change, and I encourage you to see the GAMSAT as only the first step in a lifetime of study, learning and a fair few late nights.
I'm always interested in feedback, so please leave a comment or email me at gamsat.studying@gmail.com. I am usually happy to have a short chat with those considering postgraduate medicine in Australia.