Practice question - Fish osmosis

The following table contains details of the relative solutes in a variety of fish and their environments. Both sharks and bony fish live in the sea.

SaltUreaOsmotic concentration
Sea water1000 1000
Fresh water20 20
Bony fish190 190
Freshwater fish130 130

Which of the fish types would need to drink water in their normal environment?
A. Freshwater fish
B. Bony fish
C. Sharks
D. None of the above

In which fish is there likely to be a net solute flow into the fish?
A. Freshwater fish and bony fish
B. Bony fish only
C. Sharks only
D. Both freshwater fish and sharks


  1. hello,

    i was wondering, do you have the answers to these questions? your blog is very useful and informative. i appreciate it, especially as registering for gamsat this year was a considerable financial investment for me and i can't afford all those preparation courses out there.

  2. Hi Wendy,

    I've got a useful listing of free GAMSAT resources at I'm not trying to provide answers - if you understand the material, the answers should be easy enough to work out, and I don't want any wrong answers of mine in weak areas like poetry analysis to mess up someone else's study.


    Gamsat Study

  3. I think ans are (C) and (A).
    We can discuss here.

  4. Hi, I was wondering what the answers were for above. I chose C ( as salt i urea will case water loss and thus require fluid intake) and and D (as these two have higher overall concentration than osmotic environment, causing a net flow of solute inward.) Can someone please comment on this rationale? I am not sure if these answers are correct.

  5. for this question what answer would you have given ... just wondering???

  6. may give an answer :)
